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a drawing of a person sitting in a beda hotel room with two beds and a windowA bright double room with two beds and a balcony
Need a bed or a venue for your conference?

Come as a guest - become part of the team

Oplev vores unikke fusion af professionelle møder, konferencer og komfortabel overnatning på vores hotel.

Step into our arena of cozy accommodation

Stay with world famous athletes

A good night's sleep is important for all of us. We want you to be rested and ready for tomorrow's top performances, so we included our exquisite and well-assorted breakfast buffet for you to dig in.

Central location icon

Close to most things

Idrættens Hus is close to Copenhagen and the highway exit - and you can park for free right outside the door.

Lots of space icon

Plenty of space

43 enkeltværelser og
23 dobbeltværelser.
Enkeltværelserne har udgang til et hyggeligt gårdmiljø og udsigten fra dobbeltværelserne taler for sig selv.

a hotel room with blue walls, a bed and access to the courtyarda drawing of a person tying their shoes on the edge of the bed

Show of Winners forplejning

Med et klik herunder, har I mulighed for at forudbestille jeres forplejning, så I ikke mister fokus inden der viftes med det ternede flag.

a drawing of a man and a woman talkinga conference room with a long table and red chairs
Meetings and conferences

Many strong line-ups

I sætter holdet, mens vi er Danmarksmestre i at sammensætte og tilpasse mødelokaler og konferencelokaler, som passer perfekt til jeres hold. Vi kan alle kombinationsmulighederne i hovedet, og leverer præcist de lokaler, som passer til jeres ønsker og behov - om det er det lille intime lokale til bestyrelsesmødet, auditoriet til jeres store præsentation, eller konferencelokaler med mulighed for et større antal deltagere. Spørg os!

Vi træner hver dag i denne disciplin, fordi vi vil være de bedste!

Meeting rooms icon

Meetings and conferences

Vi kan hurtigt kridte banen op, så I får præcis det lokale, som sender jeres møde bedst fra start.

Easy accessibility for cars icon

There is always room and a way

I kan være op til 350 personer i vores største konferencelokale og ned til 2 i vores mindste lokale, og der er over 2500 gratis parkeringspladser.

Work and accommodation

Har du hele Danmark som din hjemmebane?

We are centrally located in the middle of Zealand's road system, so you can easily get to Copenhagen or other parts of Zealand. Spend the night at the hotel that inspires, meeting the elite athletes from all over the world, who train at our facilities.

If you wish, we can make sure your lunch is packed when you leave. We can also help you store or charge your equipment.

Use your brain icon

Unique facilities

Recharge in your room or in our training facilities. Here you meet top athletes, who, like you, want to use our world-class equipment. We also have a wide selection of all sports channels in our lounges where you can follow your team.

Central location icon

Easy to get to

We are located a short distance from the highway and we have free parking in our 2,500 parking spaces - right at your doorstep

a hotel room with two beds and a windowa drawing of a person sitting in a bed

Soul food

When you need to refuel, simply pop down to our newly renovated restaurant. We are committed to serving healthy and nutritious food and crafting the perfect meal for you as our guest. We have our own courtyard garden where we grow vegetables and herbs that the chefs pick daily for the day's dishes. We have a strong focus on resources, waste, and sustainability, and we strive to craft memorable dining experiences.

a restaurant with many tables and chairsa drawing of a man and a woman dancing
We are extremely satisfied with Idrættens Hus Hotel & Conference's hosting of our Annual Meeting. The welcoming reception, professional service, modern meeting facilities and attentive staff contributed to a first-class experience. Grateful for the high standard of hospitality and quality, we highly recommend the venue to others and look forward to future collaboration.

Camilla Lyngsø

Specialist consultant


Danish Musicians' Association

It's true what they say...

Come to Idrættens Hus - House of sports hotel, and experience what it means to live and work in the same environment as world famous top athletes.

Business partners

Vi samler på de bedste samarbejdspartnere, som sikrer, at vi er på forkant med udvikling og efterspørgsel, så du, som vores gæster trygt kan holde møder, bo, træne eller spise hos os.

Vi er naturligvis meget selektive når vi udvælger samarbejder til vores hold og deler derfor med glæde disse fantastiske partnerskaber med dig!

Frequently asked questions?

Need an answer to something?

Find your answers in our FAQ (frequently asked questions).
If, contrary to expectations, you haven't found what you were looking for - please contact us.

What do I do if I arrive outside opening hours?

Use the night entrance to the left of the main entrance. Follow the signs. You will receive the code for the door on a text message

Can reception help with transportation?

Of course we can.

Can I get tourist information at the reception?

Yes, there are different options

How can I contact the reception at Idrættens Hus?

Det kan du på +4543262626 eller

How can I give feedback about my stay?

Skriv til receptionen på

Where can I find prices for stays?

You can find it by clicking on the book stay button or here.

What are the reception opening hours?

7am - 10pm Monday - Thursday, 7am - 9pm Friday, 7am - 7pm Saturday, 7am - 4pm Sunday

Is it possible to store luggage at the reception?

Yes, we have a larger storage room. Ask at the reception.

Is it possible to rent bikes through reception?

Yes, we have city bikes available for you to rent via reception.

Address icon


Stop by for a visit:

Phone icon

Phone number

Call today:

Email icon


Any questions?
Praise or criticism?
Send us an e-mail: