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Get your questions answered


In the unlikely event that you need an answer, here you can take a look at the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
Hopefully, you'll find the answer to your question.

Otherwise, feel free to contact us.

Frequently asked questions - Reception

Here you will find our most frequently asked questions and answers.
We hope it gives you the answers you're looking for.

What do I do if I arrive outside opening hours?

Use the night entrance to the left of the main entrance. Follow the signs. You will receive the code for the door on a text message

Can reception help with transportation?

Of course we can.

Can I get tourist information at the reception?

Yes, there are different options

How can I contact the reception at Idrættens Hus?

Det kan du på +4543262626 eller

How can I give feedback about my stay?

Skriv til receptionen på

Where can I find prices for stays?

You can find it by clicking on the book stay button or here.

What are the reception opening hours?

7am - 10pm Monday - Thursday, 7am - 9pm Friday, 7am - 7pm Saturday, 7am - 4pm Sunday

Is it possible to store luggage at the reception?

Yes, we have a larger storage room. Ask at the reception.

Is it possible to rent bikes through reception?

Yes, we have city bikes available for you to rent via reception.

Frequently asked questions - conference

Here you will find our most frequently asked questions and answers.
We hope it gives you exactly what you're looking for.

Is the hotel disability-friendly?

Yes, all our meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible and the hallways are wide.

Are there different types of conference rooms offered?

Yes, we have everything from small, closed group rooms to large halls and open lounge areas. We customize the conference room and setup according to your program.

Are there opportunities to relax during breaks or after a meeting?

You have the option to unplug in one of our lounges around the hotel

Can we change the break times during the day?

Yes, as a starting point it is possible. We will review your program upon arrival and adjust according to your wishes

Is technical assistance available?

Yes, we always follow you down to the conference room and make sure you are connected properly and that your technical equipment is working

Can the conference rooms be used as group rooms?

Yes, basically any room can be used as a group room, depending on the size and purpose of the event

Can I book a room without catering?

Yes, you can, but we always recommend that our guests order coffee, tea and water as a minimum.

Is there daylight in all rooms?

Yes, all our conference rooms have natural light.

Is video conferencing available?

Yes, you can do that in 8 of our rooms, including our large conference hall with room for up to 350 people.

Frequently asked questions - Craftsman accommodation

Here you will find our most frequently asked questions and answers.
We hope you find the answers you are looking for.

Can I watch ball in my room?

All rooms have chromecast, so if you have a streaming service that shows it, you can. Otherwise, you're welcome to sit in one of our lounges where you can watch virtually all the sports channels.

Can I have dinner at the hotel?

Yes, you can have dinner in our restaurant, which is open Monday to Thursday.

Can I order a packed lunch?

Yes, as long as you order at least 24 hours in advance, you can pick up your packed lunch in the breakfast restaurant. Order at the reception

How early is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served from 06:00 am Monday through Friday

Is it possible to park for free for all vehicles?

Yes, whether you arrive in a truck, van or car, parking is free

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Did you find what you were looking for?

We hope this FAQ has given you some answers. If you're comfortable, you can book your meeting or stay right away. Otherwise, feel free to contact us.

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