Our arena -
your field of play
Søger du et mødelokale med plads til 5-6 personer? - eller skal du holde årskonference for 350 deltagere? Vi har mange lokaler i forskellige størrelser til divergerende behov, Det emmer af sport hos os, og vores toptrænede personale er på jeres hold og hjælper jer sikkert i mål
2.500 m2
mødelokaler og konferencesale
Hos Idrættens Hus er du ikke bundet til en hestesko eller et langbord. Vi er vant til at tænke ud af boksen og hjælper dig med at finde det mødelokale og den holdopstilling, der passer netop til dit program. Vi har alt fra lukkede grupperum til åbne loungeområder, Vi hjælper dig selvfølgelig med teknikken. Vi har det nyeste AV-styr, med hurtig og trådløs forbindelse til det storskærmen.
See our conference rooms
Herunder får du et indtryk af de lokaler, vi tilbyder - husk, at vi kan variere bordopstilling, og ændre i lokalets størrelse, også undervejs, hvis I ønsker mindre workshops..
Lyd og lys kan hurtigt justeres. I kan LIVE-streame fra mødet og tilføje flere kameravinkler, så eksterne deltagere får en følelse af at være tilstede.
Gunnar Nu Hall
Gunnar Nu 1 + 2
Gunnar Nu 2 + 3
Gunnar Nu 1
Environments you can feel
Vores fleksible mødefaciliteter indeholder lokaler, der kan slås sammen, professionelle værter med mange års erfaring. I kan ikke undgå af fornemme sportens puls i gange og arealer, hvor den danske sportselite træner, og har sin daglige gang.
Vi har også let adgang for dig og dine gæster med 2.500 gratis parkeringspladser og direkte adgang fra motorvejen. I får attraktive konferencelokaler tæt på København med forplejning og fri parkering. til en god pris!
Det er let og ligetil at booke
1. How many participants?
Contact us and let us know how many participants you will be.
You can call or write at any time, but make sure to arrive early to ensure you get the right room.
2. We engage in a dialog
We will contact you as soon as possible to follow up on your needs and otherwise confirm. If you have any questions or special needs, we'll address them here.
3. Host your conference
Whether it's a meeting or a conference, we've got you covered, so all you have to do is keep your eyes on the ball and enjoy your event. We'll take care of the rest.
You'll love the flexibility
We are more than just meeting rooms: We have group rooms, relaxation rooms, open workspaces, access to sports facilities and, in all modesty, fabulous staff.
Idrættens Hus must be experienced!
Excellent conference facilities
Frequently asked questions?
Find answers to your questions here.
If, contrary to expectations, you can't find what you're looking for, you can always contact us.
Yes, we have 65 rooms and also work closely with nearby hotels if you have a larger group.
Yes, all our meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible and the hallways are wide.
Yes, we have everything from small, closed group rooms to large halls and open lounge areas. We customize the conference room and setup according to your program.
You have the option to unplug in one of our lounges around the hotel
Yes, as a starting point it is possible. We will review your program upon arrival and adjust according to your wishes
Yes, we always follow you down to the conference room and make sure you are connected properly and that your technical equipment is working
Yes, basically any room can be used as a group room, depending on the size and purpose of the event
Yes, you can, but we always recommend that our guests order coffee, tea and water as a minimum.
Yes, all our conference rooms have natural light.
Yes, you can do that in 8 of our rooms, including our large conference hall with room for up to 350 people.
Phone number
Call today:
Any questions?
Praise or criticism?
Send us an e-mail: