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When every detail matters

Meetings & Conferences

Vores arena byder blandt andet på 12 unikke mødelokaler, konferencesale og et auditorium. Her fusionerer sportens sjæl med forretningslivets realiteter - om I lægger an til en sprint af et mindre møde, et maratonløb af en stor konference, der kræver en særlig strategi. Vi har trænet og vundet før, så I kan stole på, at I er i erfarne hænder.

Som arenaens atletiske grunddisciplin har vi vores eget spisested, hvor I deler jeres sejrshistorier over den særligt udvalgt kulinarisk buffet.

a conference room with a long table and red chairs
Meeting rooms with visible references to sport

Space for everyone

Med hele 12 møde- og konferencelokaler i Idrættens Hus, finder I dét lokale, der matcher jeres mødebehov. Flere lokaler er fleksible og kan varieres med forskellige bordopstillinger og har det nyeste AV-udstyr og kameraer til professionel afvikling og streaming.
I kan bestille forskellige mødepakker med mad eller overnatning, som det passer jer bedst - mulighederne mange, og vi er klar på sidelinjen til at lede jer mod nye sejre, hvad enten det er i et møde eller en konference.

Alle mødelokaler er opkaldt efter medlemmer af Sportens Hall of Fame. Foran hvert lokale er opstillet en buste, af netop det medlem, som lokalet er opkaldt efter.

Meeting rooms icon

12 Mødelokaler

You'll find rooms ranging from Erik Hansen with room for 10 people, to Allan Simonsen with room for 62 people, to the Gunnar Nu conference hall for 350 people.

AV equipment icon

Modern equipment

All meeting rooms are flexible and modern, with state-of-the-art
AV equipment. In our congress hall, brand new AV equipment has just been installed - a 264-inch TV screen, video equipment and a wide range of microphones to ensure the best sound.

a conference room with tables and chairsa drawing of a group of people sitting in a conference hall
Meeting packages icon

Meeting packages to suit every need

From half-day meetings to full-day conferences that include accommodations and breakfast, we are accustomed to hosting a variety of events. That's why we offer several meeting packages tailored to meet diverse needs.

Lots of space icon

Flexible and spacious

The flexibility of the Gunnar Nu room allows for easy modification of table arrangements and room divisions, enabling you to tailor the space to your specific conference needs. Additionally, convenience is ensured for all attendees with 2,500 free parking spaces available.

Salad icon

Healthy and honest food!

Idrættens Hus is a hub of activity, frequented daily by many of Denmark's elite athletes for lunch. That's why our cuisine is consistently healthy and varied, crafted from scratch using quality ingredients. We call it honest food. When you host conferences or meetings with us, you become an integral part of the team.

a man in a blue shirt is setting up a conference room
Which 'package' suits you best?

Flexible meeting packages

We excel in coordinating meetings and have designed various meeting packages tailored to the size and duration of your event. Whether you need half-day, full-day, or brief sessions with accommodations, we ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.

Sports hall of fame icon

Be inspired by great achievements.

Host your meetings among the legends in the Sports Hall of Fame and draw inspiration from their remarkable achievements and immense determination to succeed. Alternatively, meet today’s elite athletes who frequently train and dine at Idrættens Hus.

AV equipment icon

Modern AV equipment and technical assistance

When you host a meeting or conference at Idrættens Hus, we ensure a smooth start by regularly reviewing and updating all technical equipment, providing you with access to state-of-the-art facilities."

A bright and welcoming restaurant

Honest food

If you're at Idrættens Hus, make a quick dash to our restaurant to refuel. The inspiring ambiance and high-quality offerings enhance both atmosphere and productivity. In our courtyard garden, our chefs cultivate their own herbs and vegetables, emphasizing local and seasonal produce. Dining with us means eating like an elite athlete, and perhaps even alongside one. We pride ourselves on serving the finest and healthiest meals.

a restaurant with many tables and chairsa drawing of a man and a woman dancing
Conferences with room for everyone

Choose your arena!

I vores Auditorium og i Gunnar Nu-salen kan du sammensætte og afvikle jeres program for op til 350 gæster og have gæster med på distancen via vores tv-system med 6 kameraer.
Vi står klar på sidelinjen med alt fra mad, forfriskninger og assistance til jeres tekniske afvikling.
Alle lokaler er indrettet med omhu, så de er rummelige, med brede indgangsdøre og kan bruges ubesværet af alle jeres gæster.

Lots of space icon

Flexible interior

Gunnar Nu-salene kan samles til én sal på 396 m2 med plads til 350 personer - eller deles i tre rum med varieret kapacitet og sammensætning.

Great food from the restaurant

Healthy food from the house

We have our own restaurant where our chefs prepare healthy and nutritious meals daily for Denmark's sports elite, and there’s plenty for you too.

a conference room with tables and chairs and a projector screenA drawing of a person pointing to a running track while two people are racing

Host your meeting or conference with us.

Easy access from the Brøndbyvester exit, 2,500 free parking spaces, flexible and newly renovated meeting and conference rooms, restaurant, sports facilities, the Sports Hall of Fame and much more.
We have a dedicated team ready to serve you!


Find answers to your questions here, in the frequently asked questions. In the unlikely event that you still don't know the answer, please contact us - we look forward to hearing from you.

Is the hotel disability-friendly?

Yes, all our meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible and the hallways are wide.

Are there different types of conference rooms offered?

Yes, we have everything from small, closed group rooms to large halls and open lounge areas. We customize the conference room and setup according to your program.

Are there opportunities to relax during breaks or after a meeting?

You have the option to unplug in one of our lounges around the hotel

Can we change the break times during the day?

Yes, as a starting point it is possible. We will review your program upon arrival and adjust according to your wishes

Is technical assistance available?

Yes, we always follow you down to the conference room and make sure you are connected properly and that your technical equipment is working

Can the conference rooms be used as group rooms?

Yes, basically any room can be used as a group room, depending on the size and purpose of the event

Can I book a room without catering?

Yes, you can, but we always recommend that our guests order coffee, tea and water as a minimum.

Is there daylight in all rooms?

Yes, all our conference rooms have natural light.

Is video conferencing available?

Yes, you can do that in 8 of our rooms, including our large conference hall with room for up to 350 people.

Can I watch ball in my room?

All rooms have chromecast, so if you have a streaming service that shows it, you can. Otherwise, you're welcome to sit in one of our lounges where you can watch virtually all the sports channels.

Can I have dinner at the hotel?

Yes, you can have dinner in our restaurant, which is open Monday to Thursday.

Can I order a packed lunch?

Yes, as long as you order at least 24 hours in advance, you can pick up your packed lunch in the breakfast restaurant. Order at the reception

How early is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served from 06:00 am Monday through Friday

Is it possible to park for free for all vehicles?

Yes, whether you arrive in a truck, van or car, parking is free

What type of food is served in the restaurant?

A wide selection of different food is served with a focus on simple ingredients and great taste.

Does the restaurant offer vegetarian or vegan options?

Yes, there are always vegan options, however, we need you to contact us and let us know if you want vegan alternatives.

Does the restaurant offer children's menus?

No, we do not have a special children's menu. If you need a customized children's menu, simply contact us.

Is the evening restaurant open every day?

The restaurant is generally open Monday through Thursday. If there are larger events in the house, it may be possible to enjoy the dish of the day. Contact us to hear about the possibilities.

Is it possible to book a table in the restaurant?

Yes, contact us at reception and we'll help.

Is the hotel disability-friendly?

Yes, all our meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible and the hallways are wide.

Are there opportunities to relax during breaks or after a meeting?

You can unplug in one of our lounges around the hotel or watch elite athletes train on site.

Are different types of meeting rooms offered?

Yes, we have everything from small closed group rooms to large halls and open lounge areas. We customize the meeting room and setup according to your program.

Can I book a room without catering?

Yes, you can, but we always recommend that our guests order coffee, tea and water as a minimum.

Can the meeting rooms be used as group rooms?

Yes, basically any room can be used as a group room, depending on the size and purpose of the event

Is technical assistance available?

Yes, we always accompany you to the meeting room and make sure you are connected correctly and that the desired technical equipment is working

Can we change the break times during the day?

Yes, as a starting point it is possible. We will review your program upon arrival and adjust according to your wishes

Is there daylight in all rooms?

Yes, all our meeting rooms have natural light.

Is video conferencing available?

Yes, you can do that in 8 of our rooms, including our large conference hall with room for up to 350 people.

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